When It Comes To Sex, Use Your Mouth If You Are Tired, Use Your Hand If Not In The Mood- Stephanie Benson Shares Advice From Her Mother On Her Wedding Night


United Kingdom-based Ghanaian songstress Stephanie Benson has revealed a piece of deep advice her mother gave her on her wedding night.

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Married Jonathan Paul Benson for so many decades, the ‘Queen of Jazz ’ has shared advice her mother gave her on her wedding night which has probably keep her marriage up to date with her soul mate.

She said she will never forget how her mother after realizing how inexperienced she is going into marriage, gave her a few tips about how she will sexually satisfy her newly wedded husband in every way possible.

In a post via her official Twitter page, Stephanie revealed that her mother advised her to be ready to use her mouth when she feels that she’s tired during sexual intercourse. She said if she feels like she’s not in the mood for sex, she should be ready to use her hands to satisfy her husband and when she’s menstruating, she should be ready to clean herself and use her a$$.

On my wedding night, young and inexperienced my mummy gave me one advice I’ll never forget. She said “Akua, when it comes to sex, if u’re tired, use ur mouth, if u’re not in the mood use ur hand, if u’re “in ur period” wash and get ready to use ur ass“ It worked…Anaa

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SOURCE: GhGossip.com


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