High transportation cost key factor in increasing foodstuff prices


Tema, July 13, GNA – Traders at the Community Seven market in Tema have attributed the increasing prices of foodstuffs to the persistent hike in fuel prices and the consequent high cost of transportation.

A weekly Ghana News Agency market survey in the major trading centres showed that prices of some commodities saw a reduction during the week compared to the previous week while others recorded marginal increases.
Madam Ama Nkrumah, a plantain trader at Tema Community Seven market, told the GNA that goods transported from the hinterlands were expensive due to the high cost of transportation.
She said, “when I buy plantain for GH¢60.00 at Sefwi and transport it to Tema, I usually sell them for GH¢100.00 so that I will make a little profit out of my sales else I will run at a loss”.
Mrs Rebecca Kumah, a trader in avocados, told the GNA that they now get their supplies from Cote d’Ivoire as Ghana had run out of locally grown pears.
She revealed that the cost of transportation had, therefore, affected the price of most commodities, resulting in some level of discomfort for consumers.
Madam Gertrude Ayiah, a yam trader, said she spent more money on transportation of her goods from Agbogbloshie in Accra to Tema.
The survey also revealed that the prices of some food items such as rice, wheat, maize, and pepper were unchanged in most markets.
The situation was attributed to the onset of rains, as well as the beginning of the current harvest season.
Prices of foodstuffs such as cassava, cocoyam, and plantain that went high in the previous weeks have seen a steady fall.
Generally, commodity prices in all the markets visited reflected similar trends, with prices either taking a slight dip or marginal increase or unchanged from the previous weeks.


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