‘Born again’ Moesha Buduog gets saved by strangers after attempting suicide


Actress Moesha Boduong was rescued after attempting suicideplay videoActress Moesha Boduong was rescued after attempting suicide

• Moesha has attempted killing herself

• According to her, being born-again isn’t easy

• The actress has revealed that she used to be a madam (a female pimp)

Actress Moesha Budoung was rescued by some good Samaritans after she attempted to take her life by jumping from an uncompleted storey building.

Moesha who recently gave her life to Christ has revealed that her decision to follow Christ has been characterized by trials and temptations. Some of these she said, drove her to end it all through suicide.

“When you give your life to Christ, it is not as easy as you think. I thought giving my life to Christ was about reading the Bible, that’s not it. Because of the sins we’ve done in the past and the people that we’ve been with,” she revealed.

In a video available to GhanaWeb, the rescuers who were present at the time of her confession stood beside her to ensure that she was safe. Whilst narrating her life experience to them, Moesha also showed appreciation for their rescue efforts.

“Thank you all for trying to save me from trying to kill myself. I stood here (pointing to the spot) and wanted to kill myself. I wanted to jump off the building and these guys saved me.”

The actress among several revelations disclosed that she used to be a madam (a female pimp) who introduced a number of young girls to rich and successful men for money.

“At a point, I became a pimp, I was introducing young girls to men because that was the life I thought was the best. At the time, I didn’t know, all I was thinking of was taking care of my father and my family,” she said.

The actress who has a huge following on social media added: “When these girls come to me, I tell them that I was dating a married man and I thought it was okay. My brothers and sisters, it wasn’t okay. I battled with a lot… I have tried crack before, but it’s God, I don’t know what was with me but when I tried it. I didn’t like it.

“What about you, if you are not lucky, and you meet such friends you might get addicted… as for night club everyone knew me that I sleep there on Fridays. The entire week I was there, drinking and smoking, partying. I became worthless, all the things I wanted to do for myself, I could do it. All I was thinking about was being with a married man who will cater for all my needs.”



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