Tamale Teaching Hospital gets nebulisation station from AstraZeneca


Health News of Sunday, 11 July 2021

Source: 3news.com


A photograph taken during the presentationA photograph taken during the presentation

Global pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca has officially opened and handed over the first PUMUA nebulisation stations in the Northern Region at Tamale Teaching Hospital.

The nebulisation stations are part of AstraZeneca Africa PUMUA Initiative. PUMUA means ‘breathe’ in Swahili.

In Africa, it is estimated that over 40 million people are living with asthma.

AstraZeneca’s Africa PUMUA Initiative is collaborating with Ghana Health Service (GHS), Ghana Thoracic Society (GTS), Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana, local health providers and respiratory health experts to redefine asthma care in Ghana.

AstraZeneca launched the Africa PUMUA Initiative to highlight its commitment to improving the health outcome of patients in Africa by providing support for infrastructure, increasing awareness of the symptoms and risk of asthma.

It also involves building the capacity of all role players across the patient journey.

At a short ceremony to hand over some nebulizers to the Tamale Teaching Hospital, AstraZeneca Country President for African Cluster Barbera Neil said Africa PUMUA Initiative looks at addressing the barriers currently preventing access to care for patients with asthma.

“The Initiative was designed in consultation and collaboration with key stakeholders like the Ghana Health Service, Ghana Thoracic Society, Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana, local health providers and respiratory health experts to straighten the health systems and centers with the overarching ambition to provide paediatric and adult asthma management across both private and public sectors.”

Management of the hospital was grateful to AstraZeneca for the collaboration and called for more collaboration.

In Africa, it is estimated that over 400 million people are living with asthma “and the World Health Organization (WHO) caution that over 80% of asthma-related deaths occur in low and lower middle income countries”.

This figure highlights the importance and urgency of ensuring that those at risk of or who are living with asthma have timely access to healthcare services.


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