Pokuase Interchange was a master plan by Kufuor


Moses Anim, Member of Parliament for TrobuMoses Anim, Member of Parliament for Trobu

The Member of Parliament for Trobu Moses Anim has claimed that the Pokuase Interchange was a master plan of former President John Akyekum Kufuor.

The original plan he disclosed was a road project from Awoshie to Kwabenya, but the loan contracted was exhausted.

He, however, admitted after the NDC took over, it took steps to continue with the plan.

He explained that the first phase and second phase were projected and planted by Kufuor.

He added the money for the first phase was done by former President Kufour as part of social intervention projects.

“The project is the NPP project. It was initiated by former President Kufuor”, he insisted.

He said the first phase was 15 kilometres and the second phase included the interchange.

The Pokuase Interchange, which connects the Nsawam Road to the George Walker Bush Highway is being jointly funded by the African Development Bank and the Government of Ghana.

Originally scheduled to be completed in October 2018 but the completion was extended to 2021.

Messrs China Zhongmei Engineering Company Limited undertook the project.

It is expected to be the largest in West Africa, to improve mobility on the Accra-Nsawam section of the Accra-Kumasi Highway, reduce the incidence of road crashes at ACP Junction, and enhance sustainable economic growth for the people in the area, as well as facilitate traffic between the Tema-Ouagadougou-Bamako corridor.


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