Sarkodie warms hearts at funeral as he turned his written tribute into rap freestyle [Video] » ™


Sarkodie is receiving all the praise for his ability to deliver an impeccable rap freestyle at a funeral.

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This video that has been made available gives an account of when Sarkodie mounted the pulpit to read his tribute but decided to turn everything into a rap freestyle.

Has King Sark ever been doubted? Hell, no!

Clad in black to signify the solemn moment Sarkodie pick up the next verse after the choir has sung the popular “Oye” gospel track and absolutely did justice to it.

How he was able to capture the moment was quite admirable.

How Sarkodie was able to deliver on such a difficult beat was quite mindblowing.

That was how Sarkodie decided to pay much respect to the loving memory of Barima Okyere Boateng.

Watch The Video Below:


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