Diana Antwi Hamilton Re.veals What Inspired Her Powerful Song ‘Adom’ » ™


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The reigning artist of the year, Diana Antwi Hamilton, has revealed and disclosed the inspiration behind her hit song, Adom.

Adom has been one of the most popular songs all year round, as many people share it on their social media platforms daily.

The song touches a lot of hearts and is a message for many. Diana Antwi Hamilton in a recent interview shared how this song came about and what inspired it.

According to the gospel act, the song came about when her younger sister decided to believe in God despite what doctors told her about her pregnancy that she was going to loose the baby because the the baby was growing in a waterless womb.

This didn’t discourage her sister and decided to believe in God and successfully put to bed a beautiful baby girl with no health issues.

Video below;



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