Former PNC General Secretary, Atik Mohammed
Former PNC General Secretary, Atik Mohammed, has called on government to de-escalate the situation at Ejura as well as crimes happening in the country.
Three persons have died and four others sustaining serious gunshot wounds at Ejura in the Ashanti Region as a result of violent clashes and a mob assault on one of them named Ibrahim Mohammed aka Macho Kaaka.
This has therefore caused tensions at Ejura as the youth seek justice for their departed brothers.
Discussing the incident during Thursday’s ‘Kokrokoo’ on Peace FM, Atik Mohammed bemoaned the growing insecurity in the nation.
He dreaded the consequences of the violent clashes at Ejura and the spate of crimes on the country, hence calling for peace and security.
“There’s growing insecurity which means there’s cause for concern. If we don’t stop certain things from happening and we leave it to grow at this rate, we will reach a stage where what we don’t like, the unspeakable that we all dread which is insecurity, we might end up there. So, right now, there’s that growing insecurity which we need to be mindful of. I mean we can’t tell ourselves that what’s happening is normal because crimes happen, so, these are normal crimes that occur.
“Murder is increasingly becoming common place in this country. Murder has become very normal and it’s very disturbing. It doesn’t matter the circumstance under which it’s happening but the frequency is very disturbing. So, there’s that growing insecurity and equally the growing concern about that insecurity,” he alerted.
He added that he expected that, “the leaders will act swiftly, go there and try to calm tempers and so forth, but they sat there for things to escalate and the demonstration, and I think it was beginning to get out of control.”