Asafo Market Traders Stage Demo


ANGRY TRADERS at Asafo Market in Kumasi have staged a demonstration to protest against the frequent floods in the market nowadays.

Wearing red arm bands, singing war songs and issuing wild threats, the traders closed their shops on Monday morning to drum home their grievances.

According to the angry traders, the market experiences massive floods anytime it rains in the Kumasi Metropolis in recent times.

They accused a private developer, who is currently constructing shops on a waterway in the market, of causing the flooding.

The traders complained bitterly that all their wares and products were destroyed on Thursday when rainwater freely entered their various shops.

The demonstrators said they had had enough of the uncaring attitude of city authorities, hence their decision to hit the streets to demonstrate.

According to them, the city authorities should without delay, order the said private developer to stop building in the waterway to help stop the floods.

The traders asserted that if their appeal was ignored, they would also stop paying daily tolls to the assembly.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi




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