#Fixthecountry Protesters Arrested –


The police have picked up some members of the group calling on the government to fix the country.

About 15 of them were arrested in front of the Law Court Complex where they had gathered waiting for the decision of an Accra High Court on the AG’s application seeking to restrain them from demonstrating.

Some of them had carried placards and banners with the inscription ‘Fix the country, cut down on government expenditure.’

They were picked up by officers from the Accra Regional Command and whisked away.

The Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame had earlier in the morning moved a motion urging the court to restrain the group from protesting.

He canvased public safety, public security and public health as reasons.

Lawyers for the group have vehemently opposed the application, arguing that it is moot, premature and lacks merit.

The court is yet to give its ruling.

BY Gibril Abdul Razak


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