Veteran Yoruba actor, Chief Adedeji Aderemi, popularly known as Olofa Ina has defended his colleague, Baba Ijesha by claiming that he called Iyabo Ojo to plead with her on Baba Ijesha’s case but she slammed and cut the phone.
Olofa Ina said this during his interview with Goldmyne TV at the court where Baba Ijesha was granted bail.
When asked why he called Iyabo Ojo and not Princess who is the mother of the foster child that is the victim of alleged rape, he said: “it was because Iyabo Ojo has been more vocal on this case than Princess”.
Read Also: Alleged Sexual Assault: Court Grants Baba Ijesha N2m Bail
He also affirmed that Iyabo Ojo cannot deny that he didn’t call her.
He further said that from the video he watched, Baba Ijesha didn’t have sex with the minor.
Chief Olofa Ina then pleaded for the judge to tamper justice with mercy and grant Baba Ijesha back his freedom.