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Johannesburg – It’s set to be a busy day at the Zondo commission today, as suspended senior manager of supply management at the South African Civil Aviation Authority (Sacaa), Mbulelo Gingcana will kick off proceedings with Bosasa-related evidence.
The commission will also hear Bosasa-related evidence from former Bosasa chief operations officer (COO), Angelo Agrizzi who will be cross-examined by businessman Kevin Wakeford’s legal representative.
Former Bosasa head of special operations, Richard Le Roux is also expected to be cross-examined by Gingcana’s legal representative.
The commission is also scheduled to have an evening session to hear Law Enforcement Agencies related evidence from former KZN ANC finance manager, Delani Mzila in the evening.
Former public enterprise minister Malusi Gigaba returned to the stand on Wednesday where he denied any involvement in the looting of state-owned enterprises (SOE) by the controversial Gupta family.
The commission pointed out that evidence presented showed massive state looting happened under Gigaba’s tenure as Public Enterprises minister in relation to SOEs, particularly Transnet.
“It’s been alleged that evidence has been presented, surely that does not mean I was involved. I have stated that nothing that has been presented here places me anywhere near the money.
“I haven’t seen the money, I have not taken the money, I did not deliver the money anywhere, I have not been part of the contracts to the extent that it happened during my tenure it would be purely coincidence,” said Gigaba.
Shortly after his appearance at the commission was adjourned, Gigaba took to Twitter to address his detractors.
Addressed “To my political enemies”, Gigaba included that his message was also for his so-called enemies’ ” support army of journalists-cum-trolls”.
In his two-part Tweet, Gigaba wrote that in his six separate appearances before deputy chief Justice Raymond Zondo, his enemies “still can’t point to a single decision I was ever party to which can be faulted on the grounds of soundness, rationality or lawfulness”.
“2/2 … What next, now that your bid to criminalise my innocent proximity to the Gupta family has bombed in such spectacular fashion?
“Simple. We continue waging our all-out ideological war over our @ANCYLhq generation’s demand for economic freedom in our lifetime,” Gigaba ended the tweet with #RETORDEATH.
The former minister is expected to return to the commission this week. His legal team are also preparing to cross-examine his estranged wife, Norma Mngoma.