This Nonsense Must STOP!! ‘Even Bill Gates helps his woman in the kitchen’ – Ghanaians blast Sarkodie for Saying only poor men are found helping their women in the kitchen


Sarkodie not long made an assertion that men who are mostly in the kitchen helping out their women and trying to be caring and romantic are poor.

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According to Sarkodie, you wouldn’t be in the kitchen if you were rich thus only poor and broke men do that all in the name of love.

Sarkodie in his verse on Sista Afia‘s new song titled “Sika” asked that what would a grown man be doing in the kitchen if not for poverty?

Sarkodie’s assertion might generate a mixed reaction on social media but who cares about someone’s opinion if you’re bent on doing what will make your woman happy and feel loved.

As to the very best knowledge of Ghanaians on social media, even Billgate helps his woman in the kitchen, therefore, Sarkodie’s nonsense rhetoric should stop!

Below are screenshots of reaction by Ghanaians

Sarkodie and Bill Gates
Ghanaians Blast Sarkodie For Saying Its Only Poor Men Who Are Found Helping Their Women In The Kitchen


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