Eighty percent of C/R Structures listed ahead of 2021 Population Census


Cape Coast, June 21, GNA – More than 80 percent of structures in the Central Region have been listed since the 2021 Population and Housing Census took off on Monday, June 14, Mr.

Isaac Addai, the Central Regional Statistician has revealed.
The chalking and listing of structures which is expected to end on June 23, 2021, formed part of the first phase of the 2021 Population and Housing Census (PHC).
Seven hundred and fifty-one thousand (751,000) of the Region’s targeted 800,000 structures have already been listed as at Monday, June 21.
Enumeration of Ghanaians and foreigners would officially commence on Monday, June 28 but there would be a Census Night on Sunday, June 27, to count persons in transit and the homeless.
The Census would gather comprehensive and accurate data on the population and structures to guide policy formulation and allocation of resources.
The two-week national exercise will end on July 11 2021 but there is an opportunity for a mop-up to capture those who would not be not counted.
Mr Addai told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview with in Cape Coast that a total of 4,400 enumerators, supervisors, and data collectors have been deployed out across the Region.
The Enumerators and Supervisors were taken through 11 days of extensive training to prepare themselves adequately for the 2021 PHC data gathering in the Region.
He identified some challenges encountered during the six days of chalking and listing of structures including; boundary disputes, security concerns, and misunderstanding of some Ghanaians concerning the Census.
“A lot of people have refused giving out information and I wish to tell them that the census is a national agenda and the information becomes accessible to all after the whole process”.
The Regional Statistician called on all to collaborate with the GSS to bring out an accurate and detailed census for the benefit of all.
He said the national exercise hinged on the efficiency of the enumerators and the cooperation of the public; both Ghanaians and foreigners.
He advised the team to have patience in executing their duties as they would meet different kinds of people on the field.
“Be patient, accept everything, there are different people with different backgrounds, everyone, be willing to cope and master courage” he said.
The Regional Statistician charged the officials to work hard to achieve total coverage, quality data and ensure that the translation of the questionnaire into local languages to the respondent was done well in order not to change the meaning of the question.
He disclosed that those who obstruct census officers from doing their work would be sanctioned in accordance with the Ghana Statistical Service Legislation.


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