General unfairness in Ghana, joblessness giving rise to crimes – Norman


Institute for Security Disaster and Emergency Studies CEO, Dr Ismael NormanInstitute for Security Disaster and Emergency Studies CEO, Dr Ismael Norman

Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Security Disaster and Emergency Studies, Dr Ismael Norman has blamed the recent robbery cases in the country on joblessness and general unfairness in the country.

Speaking on the Key Points on TV3 Saturday, June 19, he said the increase in criminal activities has nothing to do with unresolved crimes.

He was commenting on the killing of a police officer in a robbery attack on a bullion van in Jamestown, earlier this week.

This follows “the situation of unemployment in the country, general unfairness and inequities in the country,” he told host of the show Abena Tabi.

He added “I don’t think unresolved crimes have anything to do with why we are having an upsurge in crime, the youth want to be happy, you to have jobs. The youth want to have a lifestyle that other people who are well situated are having. They don’t see that and so they are revolting.”

Meanwhile a member of the Defence and Interior Committee of Parliament, Peter Lanchene Toobu has revealed that Mr Ambrose Dery and Albert Kan Dapaah, Ministers for Interior and National Security respectively, will be hauled before parliament to answer questions relating to the recent killings and robbery attacks in the country.

He told Nana Akua Aborampa Mensah on the Hot Edition on 3FM that it has become critical for the two ministers to update parliament on the current state of security in the country.

“Of course, not the Interior Minister alone, the Minister for National Security will also be invited because the National Security Minister is in charge of all the intelligence gathering in this country.

“Intelligence must back operations so the Minister for National Security and the Minister of the Interior, we will haul them before the House for them to tell Ghanaians how safe we can become,” he said when asked whether or not the committee will invite the Interior Minister to Parliament.


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