GAFCSC Ends Combined Joint African Exercise 21


The students re-enacting their Deployment strategies to a fictional country called Karana.”

Selected military officers from Ghana and other African countries studying the Senior Division course at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College (GAFCSC) have embarked on a 5-day activity code named Combined Joint African Exercise (CJAX).

The exercise is designed to train the students in Peace Operations, which starts with the nature of conflicts in Africa, and on attendant deployments, such as planning, coordinating and deploying in Peace Operations, after which they practised the theory through the CJAX.

The Peace Operations course is an exercise agreed upon by members of an association called the Conference of African Commandants of Staff Colleges, which started the exercises in 2007, stopped in 2010 and resumed in the year 2014, hence experts across Africa participate in observing the moves, as GAFCSC returns the favour to some African Staff Colleges.

On Wednesday, June 10, 2021, the students used the period to practice at all the levels of Command from the Grand Strategic, down to Tactical, what they have learnt by the enactment of strategies adopted to deploy personnel to a certain fictional African country called Karana which is in crises.

This session involved a press conference held to outline their deployment strategies of a Mission to Karana, from which they moved down to the Operational Level, to discuss what the Force that is deployed would do, at the Tactical Level, as they also embarked on some Tactical Analysis to test Quick Decision Making which was in a form of a press conference.

By Linda Tenyah-Ayettey


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