Zulzi under fire for poor delivery


By Yasmine Jacobs Time of article published22m ago

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Online grocery shopping Zulzi is under the spotlight over its poor delivery times and poor communication.

Since last month, people have been turning to social media to complain about the service.

Recently, television personality Anele Mdoda called for the app’s shutdown.

“Zulzi must just shut down! The disappointments are enough,” Mdoda said in a tweet.

After Zulzi apologised for missing items, Mdoda said it was not about the items; it was about “sloppy” delivery.

“I don’t mind the items missing, I mind that your delivery times have really gotten sloppy. I will continue to use you but I will say when you are going against what we are used to from you. Thank you and happy Sunday,” she said.

This prompted more people to voice their about the online grocery store.

Tweeps say it takes up to two days for the groceries to be delivered. Users have also slammed the company over lack of communication from drivers.

However, it was not all complaints and negativity as many Twitter users rooted for the company’s success and wanted Zulzi to succeed.

Twitter user Phumzile Skosana (@PhumiSkosana) said: “Some of us might not be investors in Zulzi, but we are backers, when we raise issues with the app, we patiently hope for an improvement, not for the app to shut down. We are rooting for Zulzi, growing pains are hard but they will get to the other side & we will still be here.”

Entrepreneur Mashudu Modau threw his weight behind Zulzi.

“It’s really important we give start-ups room to figure out how to improve their services, improve their product and generally be better BEFORE we make statements like this. I understand deleting it and maybe not using it again, but this is extreme.

“Do you guys know how few South African tech startups that have built a great product, found some market fit and raised significant funding have black founders?

“Trust me, you don’t want to be part of the reason why one of them closed down or didn’t work.”


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