WR Garages Association Commend Govt


JO Sarpong (left) in a chat with a member after the meeting

The Western Regional branch of the Garages Association has commended the government for the various interventions it has introduced towards enhancing the operations of mechanics and other artisans.

According to the regional association, garages all over the country have been benefitting from some loan schemes and training programmes initiated and sponsored by the government to help them operate effectively.

However, members in the region said they were yet to benefit from the government’s interventions because they did not have executive members to lobby for those initiatives.

To this end, the association has held an emergency meeting during which they appointed interim executives to help steer the affairs of the Western Region Garages Association until a time when substantive executives would be elected.

The interim executives appointed included J.O. Sarpong, Chairman; Frank Obeng, Vice Chairman; Samuel Arku, Secretary; Alhaji Yaaya, Treasurer and Pious Denao, Organiser.

In an acceptance speech, Mr. Sarpong promised to work with the rest of the executive members to fight for what was due the members, since garages in other parts of the country were enjoying such kitty.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi



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