Should men over the age of 40 make WhatsApp calls?


CAPE Town: Should men over the age of 40 call women using WhatsApp, or should they call the old fashioned style? That was the question on Twitter on Sunday.

WhatsApp was trending on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, with more than 174 000 tweets.

It all started when Twitter user @BontlefeelaB posted: “Why would a whole 40 something year old man call a woman using WhatsApp call.”

Her tweet blew up with over 1 300 responses and over 800 quoted tweets.

Many women agreed with her, however, men responded saying they saw no issue with calling over WhatsApp.

Agreeing with her, @Asanele20729203 said that she did not answer calls over the app in most cases.

Twitter user @UncleDenk called her out saying that there was no age limit on WhatsApp calls.

“A whole Billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg and his team didn’t place an age restriction on Whatsapp calls but Bontle and 2cent standards…” @UncleDenk wrote.

Many Tweets called out people in their 30s that were concerned about others calling through WhatsApp calls, and one tweep saying women in their 30s had “unrealistic standards”.

WhatsApp has become more popular over the years, as the app uses data to make calls to anywhere in the world. Using WhatsApp to make phone calls uses data instead of your minutes. It uses the same data that you would normally use when you browse the internet.

However, bringing up the practicality of using the app to make phone calls, @SellSaul said: “WhatsApp call is basically Voice over IP (VoIP). Most companies use VoIP to cut costs and make communication easier. You may make fun of WhatsApp call kante all along your company is using VOIP.”

Credit IOL


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