Football club from Eerste River appeals for help to achieve its goals


By Nomalanga Tshuma Time of article published32m ago

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Cape Town – A football club from Eerste River is appealing to compassionate members of the public and businesses to assist it by donating essential football equipment and help it raise funds for team jerseys.

Having recently gained placement in a local football league, the Condor football club based in Condor Park, Eerste River, is looking for donations of football equipment and uniforms for the players most of whom are young people from the community. It does not have much in term of positive recreational activities for the youth.

Founding member and coach of the club Sergio Solomons, who officially launched the club in April last year, said while the team was excited to have qualified for a five-a-side football league, they were also apprehensive to begin the matches without team jerseys and other essential equipment.

“When I first started the club, it was just a hobby, but after a while, I realised that the youth or players have raw talent. I have also realised that the area we live in is not conducive for the youth to reach their full potential.

“I am a firm believer that sports teach one self-discipline and self-respect. I am addressing self-discipline and self-respect because as soon as one has respect for oneself then you will have respect for the next person. We are appealing for donations to help us sustain our club and also to make it a bigger project.”

The Cape Argus recently launched its Starfish project which aims to help encourage young people to steer away from crime. The project is a platform for individuals and organisations to tell our readers what they do to empower the youth or to share their knowledge.

Solomons added: “Currently the football club needs 20 team shirts that the players can use when they begin competing against other football clubs and teams.

“With your help, we will be able to keep young aspiring soccer players in our community actively involved in sporting activities and away from the clutches of gangsterism and drugs.

“I want to be able to instil a sense of pride and belonging in these young men to show them that anything is possible and they do not have to resort to crime and violence to prosper in life,” said Solomons.

Through our Cape Argus Starfish Project we want to identify and amplify those voices in our most distressed communities who help keep young people away from crime.

Like the story of the starfish, it is about helping to save those we can. If our project resonates with you, the Cape Argus offers a platform for you or your organisation to tell your story.

We invite non-political community groups, NGOs and individuals to share with us what they do to help turn young people away from crime. Join the Cape Argus Starfish Project by emailing your full name, address and contact details to [email protected]

Credit IOL


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