Pretoria – Following the death of a student due to Covid-19 related complications, the Tshwane University of Technology has suspended all contact lectures and resumed online teaching and learning.
The university announced on Monday that due to the majority of the provinces currently being in the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic and the increasing risk of infections on campuses they had taken the decision to suspend their contact lessons.
Professor Stanley Mukhola, the deputy vice-chancellor for teaching, learning and technology at the university, said the university was extremely concerned and saddened at the loss of a young student due to Covid-19.
Especially as this also followed reports of the increasing number of students and staff who have tested positive for coronavirus.
Mukhola said the rise in infections in communities, including the TUT community called for more vigilance and adherence to the Covid-19 rules and regulations in order to help stop the spread of coronavirus.
He said in view of the evident risks students would as of Monday be resuming online teaching as per the approved multi-model teaching and learning strategy, with students to be provided with the necessary data to support the online learning.
“As allowed by the directions of the national framework and criteria for the management of the 2021 academic year in public and private higher education institutions published on March 29, invigilated tests and examinations will continue as scheduled.”
“Examination and test venue arrangements will be made according to the published regulations and information will be posted at the entrances to campuses.
“Students will only be allowed on campus to write tests and once they’re done, they will be required to leave campus immediately.”
Pretoria News
Credit IOL