Mom applauds metro cop for guarding her car after she left window open at Durban beachfront


By Jolene Marriah-Maharaj Time of article published4m ago

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Durban: A Durban mom, who accidentally left her car window open while she exercised on the promenade for several hours, has expressed her gratitude to the Durban metro officer who guarded her car until she arrived.

Barbara Moodley said she and her son had taken an hour-long walk on the new promenade.

“We then had breakfast at Surf Rider’s Café,which took another one hour.

“After breakfast, my son hired a bike and cycled to Blue Lagoon.

“During this time, I still sat at the restaurant, having my coffee, when I received a call from a Durban metro police officer.

“The woman on the line asked if I owned a particular make of car with the registration number mentioned. She informed me that the car widow was fully opened. I was taken aback and I told her I would be there soon.”

Moodley said she tried to contact her son and, after several failed, attempts headed back to her car.

“When I arrived 15 minutes after receiving the call, I was amazed to find the metro police officer standing in front of my car, keeping guard.

“I don’t know how long he stood there. This is one guy doing a fantastic job. With all the negativity around us, it’s encouraging to note that there are good people around.

“I know he was doing his job, but he could have very well walked away, knowing there’s a car guard there. Stories like this must be told, to make people aware of good things happening around us. My car could have very well been stolen.“

Moodley said she posted the story on her Facebook page and it was unbelievable to see such encouraging comments about the positive attitude we should adopt for a better South Africa.

Durban metro police spokesperson Parboo Sewpersad, commended the metro police officer for taking a good stand and not looking the other way.

“This attitude was practised in the old policing days.It must be brought back into society, so that we earn the respect of the community. We need to get to back to basics to rid the disease of crime and grime affecting all of us.”


Credit IOL


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