Instill discipline in children – Pastor


General News of Monday, 7 June 2021

Source: GNA


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Bernard Assiamah, Associate Pastor, at Harmony Chapel, Kwabenya, has advised parents to instil discipline in their children which is the first principle to greater achievement in life.

He said, the character or manner a child behaves in public is a reflection of the training and the kind of discipline he or she has been given at home by the parents.

He said as Christians the word of God is their tool of discipline which corrects our mistakes and lead us to the right path of righteousness to become better people to our family, society, country and to the world at large.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6.

This verse tells us that, as parents we have a responsibility and a role to play in the lives of our children” he said.

He said every training which comes along with discipline leads to success, prosperity and greater achievement.

Mr Assiamah said when we are able to do this, we will attract blessings from God and the world applauds us for a good work done in the life of our children.


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