Hatred Among Gospel Acts Not Big Deal


Ghanaian gospel musician, Patience Nyarko has talked about the hatred amongst some Gospel acts in the music industry. According to her, it’s not a big deal.

The issue of lack of unity and backstabbing in entertainment has been ongoing for years. There have been series of experiences withness amongst few artists in the industry. While many are considering the Gospel artists in showing a good nature due to the type of genre of music they do. However, Patience Nyarko says the hatred and backbiting is a normal thing.

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In an interview with Graphic , Patience Nyarko said, “This is very common among Gospel musicians but I see it as normal because even in heaven, there was a misunderstanding among angels, how much more among we mere mortals?

“We Gospel musicians are expected to support one another just as secular musicians do but that is not the case. In my case, if I call you and you ignore me, I take it easy because I tell myself that such acts are normal. Even in heaven where there is God, there can be misunderstandings among angels so when it happens among we human beings, I see it as normal.

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“I don’t see it as a big deal so people shouldn’t worry their heads over it. I don’t bother myself over things like that because like I have already mentioned, it is normal,” she stated.


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