Okese1 Clashes With Prince TOD Over Rolex Watch


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In a tweet, Okese1 revealed that he bought two Rolex watches, one for himself and the other for his manager, Fiifi Made It.

He wrote; Just bought me a Rolex n copped my manager one too @fiifimadeit for life

Well, fans on the platform were able to deduce and conclude that he was flaunting his Rolex watches just to troll his former pal, Medikal.

It would recalled that Medikal was busted by a blog of purchasing a fake Rolex watch.

Well, it appeared that someone had done what is beyond what Okese1 is boasting of. Showboy’s protegé, Prince TOD has also claimed of purchasing a Richard Mille watch which is more expensive than Medikal’s Rolex watches.

Lol I Spent The Same Amount 2 Fix My Rm. Cool Down Chairman, he tweeted.

See the tweet below:

In other news published on ghgossip.com, Kevin Taylor has advised Medikal to take off the mask he often wears during interviews and shows because he is complicating his health.

According to him, the rapper is accumulating the heat that is supposed to come out of his body within his system, and sooner or later, the heat will kill him.

He said he has spotted a few Ghanaian artistes who also cover their faces with masks during interviews but Medikal is mostly fond of that so he should put a stop to that before it is too late.

Source: Ghgossip.com


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