Men are not truthful, they take advantage of me because of my height


Tabloid News of Wednesday, 2 June 2021



Rose in an interview with SVTVplay videoRose in an interview with SVTV

A trader at the Makola market, Rose alias Taller, has stated that after three marriages, families of these men discriminated against her due to her height.

Speaking on SVTV Africa with DJ Nyaami, Rose indicated that she has been single for about 18 years now and does not regret her decision.

“I have been married three times but they were not successful. I have one child with all three. Sometimes the man is not the problem but utterances from family and friends about my height,” she said.

According to Taller, she is the only one with such height among her siblings. She is what most people may refer to as a ‘lilliputian’; a very small person.

“The rest of my siblings are of normal height. Among my children too, there is one like me. But I am taller than my child,” the single mother said amidst laughter.

Rose added that her ex-husbands do not cater for them.

Kindly watch the full interview below;


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