Love homosexuals but hate their practice – Pastor urges


The Presiding Bishop of Winning Grace International Church, Gospel Osei Tutu has called on the Church in Ghana to be steadfast in the fight against homosexuality.

Bishop Osei-Tutu who currently resides in the USA and shepherding the Baltimore branch of the Church explained that LGBTQI+ is a satanic agenda being pushed covertly from the West to Africa which must be resisted by the Church.

“There is no middle ground to that kind of lifestyle. It is a lifestyle that is abomination to the lord and I believe that every church and every pastor that believes in the Bible must stand up and let the world know that Bible calls it sin and there is no other way we will have to define it”.

He however said the repugnance of the Church must target the sexual behaviors of the LGBTQI+ and not their persecution to ensure that they are helped to change from their abominable behaviours.

“We love the people but we hate the behaviour. We separate the people from the behaviour, of course, we love sinners. Homosexuality is not the only sin there is in the world, we have adulteress/ Adulteresses, we have people who are into various vices and sins, we love them, we care deeply for them but to say to support that evil behaviour that is where the issue is so we must not try to combine that two that if I am against the behaviour it doesn’t necessarily mean I am against the person”.

“What we are targeting is the behaviour, not the person. Jesus loved the sinners but hated their sins. When we talk about Jesus being a friend of sinners, of course, because he loved the people, he never loved what they were doing. so of course we may have to love the homosexuals, we have to care for them just as we care and love every diner but we must not condone and connive with that kind of evil practice which is basically going to destroy the family it is going on right now in US. It is better the Church wake up. I believe in loving those people but I still hate the behaviour called homosexuality”.

Bishop Gospel Osei-Tutu said this Saturday, May 29, 2021 during the 3oth anniversary celebration of the Church in Koforidua in Ghana.

He said even though the Church went through challenges from cradle of establishment, it now has a branch in USA and Germany with plans to open more branches worldwide.

Bishop Osei -Tutu stated that as Christ-centered and people-oriented Church, the church has education and economic empowerment programs to develop the human capital in the Church. Additionally, the Church is planning to establish a Nursing home for infants and the aged.

The Church has also become a center of excellence in divinity where hundreds of Pastors are trained by the bible school wing of the church – Winning Grace Bible Institute.

Bishop Yaw Adu, who was the guest speaker at the event warned against growing persecution of the Church in Ghana by some Politicians and Journalists. He said the agenda will fail because the Church belongs to God.


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