Be honest and I’ll be the sweetest person you’ll ever work with


Entertainment of Sunday, 30 May 2021



Kwabena KwabenaKwabena Kwabena

Contemporary Highlife singer, Kwabena Kwabena has emphasized that he is actually one of the sweetest persons any artiste management team can work with, provided they are honest.

Explaining why he keeps having issues with producers and managers of shows and why most people are unable to work with him, he said, “Most of them are untruthful and they come with their own intentions making me look bad in the end”.

Talking to Doctar Cann on Happy 98.9 FM’s Ayekoo After Drive Show he said, “I’ve had issues with promoters and issues with event organizers because of the kind of people who were dealing with them on my behalf.”

He shared that he is not difficult to work with but some people who used to work with him have created a bad impression about him.

He furthered that everyone who has worked with him will actually attest to the fact that he is not difficult to work with but rather they are dishonest.

“I’ve had people work for me who have gone into contract with certain people and taken certain amounts without my knowledge, making me look bad.”

According to him, he is working on getting loyal people to join his team and also correcting negative impressions people have about him now, as most people now have bad impressions about him.

“Everyone who knows me knows I’m a very principled person and one thing I’ve noticed is that, people only speak ill about you when they failed at taking advantage of you,” he mentioned.

Kwabena Kwabena revealed that he only works with honest, loyal and straight people, “not dishonest ones”, he said.

He advised people to be careful and, “carefully watch people and listen to the things they tell you they did to other people.”


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