GH¢35 million received as funding for SDG Agenda 17 – Report


Business News of Friday, 28 May 2021



Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-AttaFinance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta

Ghana’s Ministry of Finance has revealed Sustainable Development Goal 17 received the highest budgetary allocation from government for the 2020 fiscal year owing to priority areas.

According to the 2020 SDGs report, government spent an amount of GH¢35 million for development and economic growth within the SDG Goal 17.

The report which was launched virtually by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta on May 27, 2021, showed that SDG Goal 5, which focuses on gender equality, received the least funding for expenditure.

Ken Ofori Atta, giving his remarks assured of government’s resolve to deepen partnership with the private sector towards achieving a fruitful implementation of the sustainable development goals.

“Since the baseline report was launched, the country has been able to help track spending in the SDGs. Government will continue to collaborate with development partners, private sector and all stakeholders to ensure the implementation of the SDG,” the minister remarked.

Meanwhile, additional details within the report showed that Greater Accra, Ashanti, Northern and Eastern region received the highest amount of SDG funding between the 2019 and 2020 fiscal year.

See the full report below:


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