ECG made profits under Mahama’s Gov’t – John Jinapor speaks on energy debt


Former Deputy Minister for Power, John JinaporFormer Deputy Minister for Power, John Jinapor

Former Deputy Minister for Power, John Jinapor has alleged that the sitting President owes the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo), leading to the recent power outages across the country.

In an interview with Mugabe Maase on ‘the Gumbe Show’ on TV XYZ, Mr. Jinapor revealed that by 2016– the end of the Mahama’s administration–ECG had made a profit of about 500 million cedis, which he indicated was good for the development of the power sector.

He said in 2017, under the Akuffo Addo government, ECG incurred losses of about 700 million cedis and 2.13 billion cedis in 2018.

The government has denied claims by the opposition that the recent frequent power cuts is as a result of debt owed power producers.

But Jinapor who is also the legislator for Yapei Kusawgu insists the power cuts is as a result of the government’s inability to pay off debts owed power distributors.

“2016 by the end of the year ECG had made a profit of 500 million cedis. We made a profit of 500 million under ECG but in 2017 ECG ran at a loss of 700 million and in 2018, they lost 2.3 billion loss of 700 million to 2.3 billion.”

He continued, “in 2019 they lost 4 billion, and in 2020 ECG incurred losses of 5 billion Cedis.”

He told host Mugabe Maase that summed the debt as 12 billion Cedis under the Akufo-Addo’s government alone.

Surprised about the revelations, the host asked why under Mahama’s government ECG could make a profit of 5 million a year but incur a debt of 700 billion Cedis under the Akufo-Addo administration the following year, Jinapor said “the records are here.”

“GRIDCo in 2016 made profits but by 2018 made a comprehensive loss of 600 million by 2018. End of year 2016, 37 million or 31 million Comprehensive loss. In 2018 over 600 million,” he said.

“GRIDCo boss came to tell us that where it has gotten to if we are not careful they can’t work “ he added.

Mr. John Jinapor said the prevailing situation was as a result of incompetence and political interference and mismanagement.


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