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American rapper, Metro Marrs got himself in trouble with police officers after his little showmanship at a graduation ceremony did not go as expected.
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The young man was arrested and detained by police for spraying a bunch of dollar bills at his high school graduation ceremony.
Widely known for the song, ‘Control’, Metro Marrs who graduated from Langston Hughes High School in Atlanta, celebrated by pulling out $10,000 in cash and throwing it all over the stage.
The other students went into a state of frenzy as they scrambled for the money, causing pandemonium everywhere in the process.
Police had no choice but to arrest and escort him out of the commencement ceremony. The young artiste was detained for attempting to ‘start a riot and disorderly conduct’, and ticketed for the offense.
Speaking with gossip site, TSR l, the rapper explained that he hadn’t seen his fellow classmates in person all year due to the pandemic and this was his way of giving back to some of them who may not have received money for their graduation.
“I was creating a moment that would be memorable.
“I had to do that for the last time. Everybody was lit! We graduating high school!” he said.
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