If the kitchen is too hot for you, feel free to leave


Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga East Constituency , Dr. Dominic AyineMember of Parliament for Bolgatanga East Constituency , Dr. Dominic Ayine

Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga East Constituency in the Upper East Region, Dr. Dominic Ayine has descended heavily on some party members who have caused him pain.

According to him, there was a grand scheme including party executives of the National Democratic Congress for his downfall in the 2020 general elections.

Mr. Ayine claimed that these party members who want to see the ship which he is the captain wrecked, campaigned against him on vindictive reasons.

In a Facebook write-up sighted by MynewsGh.com ,the former Deputy Attorney General indicated that , “If any ship is sinking it is not the Bolga East ship. Both the captain and crew are in firm control of the ship.”

The passengers who for many years have worked tirelessly to sink the ship are the ones who should be blamed.

He added, “For them, once their preferred captain is not in control, the ship must sink whether or not there is a storm. That won’t happen under my watch.”

No human organization survives with indiscipline being its hallmark and that is why the framers of the NDC Constitution, our fundamental law, provided for the discipline of members, high or low, who engage in anti-party conduct. Turning a blind eye to such conduct is what would rather sink the ship and not the other way round.

The MP also said that “Openly campaigning against the candidate of the party at a crucial general election should not be tolerated and anyone who wishes for the survival of the NDC as a reputable political party should not condone such behaviour just because they wish to take over from the current captain.”

He has therefore pontificated that due process of law will take its course to get rid of those party members that have campaigned against and stated strongly that, anyone who thinks the kitchen is too hot for them can leave the NDC.”

“Due process of law will take its course in Bolga East NDC and those who cannot stand the heat in the kitchen are free to leave the kitchen. Enough is enough” he said.

Meanwhile, 18 party members including executives have since been suspended in relation to this developing story.

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