Photos Of 22 Year Old Nabila Of DateRush With A Protruding Belly And A Little Baby Causes Stir + » ™


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One of the participants of the popular DateRush show, Nabila has been trending after mesmerizing the guys on the show with her American accent thereby throwing them off their feet.


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Nabila who said she was 22 years old seems to have some skeletons in her closet after a video of her with a protruding belly suggestion she was pregnant popped up. In some photos on her Instagram page, Nabila is seen clutching to a beautiful baby girl which suggests she is a mother.

Laying peacefully in her hand was a cute baby who was dressed in white and wrapped in cloth (wax print).

While the photos cannot be taken to mean that Nabila is the mother of the baby or has given birth , some people were wondering why she didn’t say anything about it on the show.

Watch video below;

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