Moesha Boduong finally makes peace with Efia Odo


Moesha Boduong and Efia OdoMoesha Boduong and Efia Odo

Actress, Moesha Boduong has finally made peace with Efia Odo after the two sworn never to cross paths ever again in their lives after the former accused the latter of gossiping about her to some industry players.

In pictures and videos that have been shared on Moesha’s IG page, Hajia4Real and her known nemesis were all captured in the scene having fun and girlfriends.

Citing from the footage, it is now clear that they have both lowered down their ammunitions to make peace because, in the first place, their beef didn’t even make sense and lacked substance.

Recall that about three years ago, Efia Odo and Moesha brought their dirty laundry out and gave it a thorough wash, they both descended into the gutters to gravely dirty each other with different sorts of dirty accusations flying here & there.

Check out the video below:


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