Esaias is out with a new single


After a long break, Esaias Musik returns with a classic titled “ALL DAY”.

The masterpiece features two of his brothers, award-winning gospel ministers, Regardless and Kingzkid.

The combination of lyrical and rhythmic prowess of these three urban gospel pioneers really makes the song repeat-worthy.

The title “ALL DAY” depicts how the love of God towards His children is unending regardless of the season, time or circumstance.

This new single was drawn from Psalm 105:3 and Psalm 8:5 which shows the posture of one whose heart is rejoicing over God’s intentional care and concern.

“In other words, This is my heart beat for God considering who is to me ” Esaias said.

When asked how the song came about, “My 17 year old junior brother David Appiah aka Jesus Kid composed it and I thought it wise to release it as an encouragement to him”.

As Bible says we should spur each other on towards good works and this is good work.

Follow @Esaiasmusik for more updates on his new ventures



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