NDC to engage int’l community, chiefs, CSOs et al with electoral reform proposals


The National Democratic Congress has indicated plans to engage stakeholders on EC's proposalThe National Democratic Congress has indicated plans to engage stakeholders on EC’s proposal

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) says in a matter of days, latest a week, it will make its proposals on electoral reforms available to the Electoral Commission, Ghana (EC).

However, immediately after that it will go further to engage some key stakeholders on the documented proposals.

“We are saying that we are putting together a series of proposals,” noted the party’s Director of Elections Elvis Afriyie Ankrah.

“When those proposals are ready and I am not talking months, I am talking days or in just a week or so, we will present them to the EC,” he said on The Keypoints on TV3/3FM on Saturday, May 22.

“We will engage the media, we will engage civil society, we will engage the international community, we will engage the [National] House of Chiefs and let them know these are our proposals.”

Mr Afriyie Ankrah was commenting on the recent brouhaha over the boycott of the latest meeting of the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) by the largest opposition party.

At a two-day workshop on the December 7, 2020 elections, IPAC members agreed to some reforms to be considered ahead of the next general elections in 2024.

The NDC expressed dissent to the reforms, announcing that it is putting together its own proposals.

The former Minister of Youth and Sports hinted at thawing out of the relationship between his party and the EC if the latter changes its attitude.

“Once they are willing and ready to engage, we are also willing and ready to present our proposals and then we will have a discussion.”


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