Another Beautiful Lady Takes Her Life After Leaving A Goodbye Note To Her Friends » ™


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It seems day by day more and more people are getting fed-up with life and the only option that seems to present it self is they taking their lives.

The late Herty

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This week we’ve had at least three cases of suicide even though the first two cases were described as murder, it still doesn’t change the fact that people find it easier to take their lives rather than deal with life’s troubles.

A beautiful young lady called Herty has unfortunately joined the bandwagon by taking her life.

In a post shared by one of her friends, Herty had left a troubling message in a group they all belonged to and her WhatsApp status, saying good bye to her friends.

This message triggered her friends to immediately call her to find out if all was all. One of her male friends even talked to her till dawn but it seems whatever was troubling Herty was bigger than her.

She unfortunately took her life and her friends and loved ones have been in shock after the whole incident.

No matter how bad your life is, just know that commiting suicide doesn’t make it better! Talk to someone before it’s too late.

See the last message she sent before taking her life below;

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