Using newspaper to clean your anus after visiting ‘White House’ can cause anal cancer – AMA warns Ghanaian men » ™


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Head of the Public Health Department of the AMA, Florence Kuukyi has said the use of newspapers for wiping of the buttocks after visiting the toilet can be very dangerous.

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“Because of the chemical used in printing these newspapers and materials, using them for anal cleaning can cause anal cancer or cancer of the anus,” she said, as quoted by the Graphic Online.

“Furthermore, these materials are highly contaminated due to their handling hence the need to desist from using them.”

She further stated that every public toilet facility must have a handwashing basin and clean seats.

According to her, hygienic floors are also a must, while sanitation papers must be used instead of newspapers or other printed materials.

“The floor must be a floor that can be cleaned regularly; the seats should be always clean, hand washing basin that should be free from contamination, burning of the tissue paper after use was also not acceptable,” she added.

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