Prof. Mike Oquaye clears air on rumours that he has endorsed Bawumia as NPP 2024 flagbearer


Prof. Aaron Mike Oquaye

Former Speaker of Parliament, Prof Aaron Mike Oquaye, has denied claims of having endorsed Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia or any other personality in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for the flagbearership position towards the 2024 general election.

“My attention has been drawn to a publication on pages 1 and 11 of The Daily Dispatch issue of Wednesday, May 19, 2021, claiming that I, Prof. Aaron Michael Oquaye, have said that ‘Bawumia should be NPP’s 2024 Flagbearer.’

“I wish to state emphatically that I have not endorsed anyone as the 2024 flagbearer of the NPP,” he stated in a press release.

According to Prof. Oquaye, an interview he granted to Raymond Kumah, host of Okyeman TV was misconstrued by the media house to mean that he had endorsed the Vice President.


He noted that the only question he answered with regards to the Vice President had to with the country’s digitisation initiative to be carried out by the government.

“Indeed, having asked the progress of Ghana’s digitisation initiative under Dr Bawumia, I categorically stated that, ‘It will be fantastic if we are able to continue with this digitalisation, automation and ICT. This complements the good work being done by Hon. Ursula at the Ministry of Communications’,” he said.

In the press statement, he also listed several other Ministers of State who he believes are equally “excellent materials,” stating: “I consider Dr Bawumia as an ‘A-Plus’ performer, but so are other NPP stalwarts, including Hon. Kyerematen, Dr Akoto, Hon. Ursula, Dr Prempeh.”

He continued: “The Trades Minister is today a global authority on International Trade, Business and Investment. The headquarters of the Africa Trade Organisation, etc., exemplifies him. Also, Dr Akoto complements development in our agro-based industry for our food both home and abroad. His work stands unprecedented in Ghana.

“The brilliance of Hon. Ursula in the application of ICT for national development must be spoken about, entirely without prejudice. She is also ‘A plus’. Similarly, Dr Prempeh is managing the challenges in the Energy Ministry just like he did in the Education Ministry and we are all looking up to him and other brilliant stars which we the elders are proud of,” he stated.

He, therefore, entreated members of the general public to disregard any claim of his support for Dr Bawumia or any other individual in the NPP.

“To have misconstrued and misrepresented the comment on Ghana’s digitisation progress as an indication for a particular individual to be the Flagbearer of the NPP in 2024 is not only inaccurate but a complete falsehood,” he stressed.


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