7-Week Grace Period For Agbogbloshie Onion Traders To Relocate


Henry Quartey (middle) and officials of the RCC together with representatives of onion sellers present at the meeting.

ONION TRADERS at the Agbogbloshie Market in Accra have been given a seven-week grace period within which to relocate to the Adjin Kotoku Market Complex in the Ga West Municipal Assembly.

The directive forms part of efforts by the government to decongest parts of the city and enhance the free flow of vehicular traffic within the Greater Accra central business district.

On Thursday morning, the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) led by the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Henry Quartey together with the Mayor of Accra, Mohammed Adjei Sowah and the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the Ablekuma Central Assembly, met representatives of various associations of onion sellers in the capital to discuss government’s plans to relocate them as well as alternative arrangements made for them.

A period of three weeks was initially set by the Regional Minister for the relocation but the onion sellers’ representatives raised several concerns including the lack of ample time to facilitate their movement and therefore pleaded for an extension. It was eventually agreed that they are given seven weeks to fully move and hand over the land to the government by July 1.

He however admonished them [the onion sellers] to start and complete the processes of their relocation between the second and third weeks of June so that they would not find themselves wanting when state security agencies storm the Agbogbloshie Market on July 1 to take over the land.

The Regional Minister intimated that Accra, being the nation’s capital, is currently overpopulated and there was the need therefore for decongestion among other initiatives to help “make Accra work” as has been his mantra since assuming office earlier this year.

The government, therefore, considered the idea to relocate onion and yam traders at Agbogbloshe to the Adjin Kotoku Market complex which was built under former President Kufuor nearly 20 years ago.

He assured that his outfit, together with the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) will do their best to provide the traders with all the necessary support including expansion of the land where necessary, as well as provision of relevant infrastructure and logistics to aide them move their wares to the new market complex peacefully and also for them to have a very conducive environment to go about their business.

“Whatever happens, there is going to be a massive decongestion exercise but we don’t want to apply force; that is why we are making concerted efforts.

“On July 1, we will come there with as many security officers as possible to take over the land. We don’t want people’s businesses to be affected that is why we are pleading with you to move voluntarily.
It’s been over 15 years since that market was constructed and you always give us excuses. This time around, we won’t make any excuses” he cautioned, citing the Biblical scripture Ecclesiastics chapter 3:1 which says, “ There is time for everything under the sun”.

By Nii Adjei Mensahfio


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