We spent only 300 cedis on our marriage ceremony – Okyeame Kwame and Wife reveals » ™


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Veteran Ghanaian rapper, Okyeame Kwame has said in an interview with Graphic that he only spent 300 cedis on his marriage ceremony.

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In the interview with Graphic , Okyeame and his wife Anica mentioned that they ignored advice from friends and family to not host an extravagant wedding because of his celebrity status.

All of this, and more, about his marriage, can be found in his first book, Love Locked Down.

They told Graphic that they were not concerned about the additional attention that releasing their book would bring to their marriage since they had been honest.

“I believe it was Plato who said, ‘Truth is the purpose of all inquiry,’ so I’m not concerned about my marriage being scrutinized. I’m not frightened of what it will reveal because it is the truth,” Okyeame Kwame explained.

“If you’re not hiding anything, there’s nothing to be frightened of. We are unconcerned with criticism because we are sharing the truth about what happened,” Annica continued.

We don’t give a damn what other people think of us or our marriage; we live our lives. We were married the manner we wanted, signing at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) for roughly $300 sans rings, and we didn’t give a damn what our family thought.

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