‘Our Wedding Cost ₵300’- Okyeame Kwame And Wife Reveals


Rap Dacta- Okyeame Kwame has revealed in a fresh interview with Graphic that his marriage to his wife cost a meagre ₵300.

The successful rapper who has been married to his wife Aninca for over a decade now says he turned a deaf ear to what friends and family members might say about not throwing a lavish wedding considering his status.

All this and more information about his marriage is contained in his maiden book, Love Locked Down. Speaking with Graphic , they said they were not afraid of any added scrutiny publishing their book would bring to their marriage because they had been truthful.

“I think it is Plato who said that ‘truth is the object of all enquiry’ so there is no way I am bothered about scrutiny of my marriage. I’m not afraid of what it will bring because it is the truth,” Okyeame Kwame said.

Annica added her bit, “If you’re not hiding anything, then there is nothing to be afraid of. We are not bothered by scrutiny because we are telling the story as it is, with zero embellishments.

We don’t really care what anyone thinks about us or our marriage, we live our lives. We got married the way we wanted to, signing at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) minus rings cost us about ¢300 and we didn’t care what our family would say.

Love Locked Down, which Okyeame Kwame and Annica wrote with Kyei Amoako, the man who compiled their ideas for the book, is at its core, the experiences the two have gathered in their 12-year marriage and what they think other people can learn from.

The motivation for the book is from the many messages in their DMs from people seeking advice on relationships.

“We didn’t set out deciding to post pictures of us together on social media, as a couple, we just go with the flow. We don’t really plan to say post a picture and say something about it. But when we posted the pictures people started asking us questions in our inbox asking if marriage was as nice as we made it seem.

“Soon people started coming to us with marital problems and whenever we asked them questions, we realised that many people go into marriage knowing there are problems and then they end up not being able to handle it.

“So based on all that, we decided to put what we do into a book and also offer some of the recommendations we have given to people that have worked,” Annica explained.

SOURCE: www.Ghgossip.com


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