When you get to our age, little needles worry you far less than bending – Tutu


By Staff Reporter Time of article published12m ago

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Cape Town – Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, on record as being a staunch supporter of vaccination, was part of the group of elderly citizens to receive his Covid-19 vaccination alongside his wife Leah.

The Western Cape government launched Phase 2 of its vaccine roll-out programme yesterday, starting with a group of elderly persons at Brooklyn Chest Hospital in Milnerton – one of the designated provincial vaccination sites.

Tutu and his wife were hosted by the Premier of the Western Cape Alan Winde, the MEC for Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, and the Head of Health, Dr Keith Cloete.

Winde said: “It was a great honour to join Archbishop Tutu and his wife Leah for their vaccines at Brooklyn Chest Hospital, marking the start of Phase 2 of our mass vaccination programme.

“As we rollout Phase 2, I want to remind residents who are eligible to register for their vaccine. I also call on those who aren’t yet eligible to play their part in assisting those who are, with registering.

“The time has come to fight back against Covid-19.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu said the more people who were vaccinated against Covid-19, the more everyone was protected against the disease. | Henk Kruger African News Agency
PREMIER Alan Winde said that it was a great honour to join Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and his wife for their vaccines. | Supplied

Chief executive of the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation Piyushi Kotecha said: “We at the Tutu Foundation would like to thank Premier Alan Winde and the Western Cape government for their organisation of today’s critical milestone in the healing of our country.

“We’re relieved that the Arch and Mrs Tutu have now been vaccinated against Covid-19 and support the call for all eligible citizens over the age of 60 who have not yet signed up for the jab to do so urgently.”

Kotecha added: “Vaccination is the only safe way for countries to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission that has ravaged families, societies and economies across the world. Without it we cannot get back to normal life again.

“To achieve mass immunity we need everyone to get vaccinated. If even one person is left out of access to vaccines, the whole world stays at risk,” she warned.

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, being on record as a staunch supporter of vaccination, was part of the group of elderly citizens to receive his Covid-19 vaccination alongside his wife Leah Tutu. Picture: Supplied
Tutu said the more people who were vaccinated against Covid-19, the more everyone was protected against the disease. Picture: Henk Kruger/African News Agency

“We repeat our call to all South Africans to be vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as vaccines are available to them,” Kotecha says.

Archbishop Tutu said: “All my life I have tried to do the right thing and, today, getting vaccinated against Covid-19 is definitely the right thing to do.

“That’s why Leah and I took this step, to do our part to start the national healing process so we can end this pandemic. We have to do this together.

“Believe me, when you get to our age, little needles worry you far less than bending over does.

“It was wonderful to get out of the house and meet these dedicated healthcare workers who gave us our vaccines. Leah and I signed up to be vaccinated a while ago, because we know this will help save our loved ones from worry and heartbreak, and ourselves from this terrible disease,” he said.

“To all of you on the frontlines who have been working to keep us safe for more than a year now, I salute you,” he added.

“God bless all of you for your selfless service to our citizens and our country.”

To register for the Covid-19 vaccine, visit www.westerncape.gov.za and click on the link, or Dial *134*832# and follow the prompts (FREE on all South African Networks), or Whatsapp the word REGISTER to 0600 123456.

If you are over 60 and registered for your Covid-19 vaccine, you can expect:

  • An SMS confirming your registration.
  • A second SMS with an appointment date and the place – for those who have already registered, this should come in next two to three weeks.
  • Get vaccinated with your first dose.
  • Proof of vaccination card.
  • An appointment date for your second dose (if a two-dose vaccine applies).

Residents are reminded to:

  • take your ID and present second SMS, or the unique code on the scheduled day.
  • Arrive on the scheduled day of your booking. Not on a different day.
  • Walk ins are not permitted

Cape Argus

Credit IOL


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