Video of Akwaboah’s daughter’s speaking flawless British Accent wows fans » ™


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Popular Ghanaian singer and songwriter Akwaboah has shared a video of her adorable daughters speaking the British accent like they are the originators of the accent.

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The two daughters, Alexandria and Aveya, in the video shared by the singer were seen and heard speaking in an impeccable British accent which wowed all those who saw the video.

In the video sighted by us, Alexandria who is the eldest is seen making a complaint about Aveya to their mother.

Alexandria disclosed that Aveya had hit her and nearly injured her in the eye. After listening to Alexandria, their mother asked Aveya to respond to the complaints by her elder sister.

But as if it was a ploy to evade punishment, Aveya spoke words that could not be easily understood. The speech got her mother breaking down in laughter.

The video of Alexandria and Aveya was posted on social media by their father.

Sharing the video, Akwaboah indicated he had been confused by what his daughter was saying: “Just wait for It..Somebody please Explain to me what ma daughter was saying..#ConfusedFather..I choke Eiii Aveya.”

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