Motivation is like driving force that transcends all odds – Instagram Star Diamond Washington


You might not realize it, but how you think and feel about yourself and your situation in life can really change your mindset. Diamond Washington is a social media entrepreneur and adult content creator, and she’s learned how different it feels to have a positive mindset and abundant motivation.

First, motivation is necessary to start your own business. While you’re working towards time independence and financial stability, you’ll need to slog for the first months or even years. “You really should love what you do,” Washington says. “If you’re not passionate, it will be much harder to get motivated.” One of Washington’s motivations is how much she loves being on-camera. “I like making people happy, and I love my body. I love brainstorming what my next piece of content will be.” Motivation can also come externally from fans’ attention. Washington has made over $1 million on OnlyFans, which serves as amazing validation. “I don’t want to let my fans down. Every time I get a new viewer, I know how important it is that I put out quality work.”

Mindset is just as important to being successful. There’s a fixed mindset that says that you can’t grow beyond where you are now, and there’s no hope for improvement. However, Washington advocates for a growth mindset, which helps people embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and take constructive criticism. It also determines how you feel about yourself in general. “I needed to learn to love my body and embrace my sexuality to be in this career. Your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself matters. Work that out first, either through journaling or with a therapist.”

Having positive motivation and a good mindset are two easy ways to brighten up your life and achieve your dreams. If you’re like Diamond Washington and continue to pursue your goals, anything is possible.



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