“An ordinary truck pusher has every right to advice Ghanaians but not you” – Twene Jonas descends on Kennedy Osei » ™


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Ghana’s government critic, Twene Jonas has reprimanded Kennedy Osei following his advice that Ghanaians should endeavour to sleep more often.

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In one of his viral videos, Jonas has described as ‘lame and stupid’ Kennedy’s ‘so-called’ advice to Ghanaians making it emphatic that the ordinary truck pusher has every right to advise Ghanaians but not you Kennedy Osei.

“Don’t ever talk or try to advise Ghanaians again. You don’t know how it feels to hustle. You don’t know how it feels to struggle to make ends meet so you’re not in the right capacity to talk. If he’s watching this, tell him not to dare respond or else I’ll deal with him drastically.

“Because you think you are married, you have an easy life so you can say whatever you like. You haven’t sold pure water before, neither have you sold farm produce just to pay your fees. Keep quiet and let us talk,”

“Desist from writing anything on social media. You can come and post a picture or two but don’t ever try to give out any form of advice. You don’t have the experience or the capacity to do that. Your father should be the one doing that and not you. It’s your father I want to challenge and not you. I am richer than he is,” he added.

As a reminder, the insurrection of Twene Jonas comes at the back of Kennedy Osei advising Ghanaians to cultivate the habit of having enough sleep as it enhances the general well-being of humans and increases one’s life’s span.




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