Rev Obofour To Challenge Church Of Pentecost By Building Ultra-Modern Hospital – Video Evidence » ™


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The Church of Pentecost unveiling a Prison Camp at Ejura has become the talk of Ghana since especially on social media.

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And following social media conversation, it looks like a bunch of Ghanaians especially the critical thinking ones including broadcaster Nana Yaa Benefo are pissed off to the fullest.

To the voice of these critical thinking Ghanaians on social media, they can’t understand why the Church of Pentecost should stoop so low and build a prison instead of factories, hospitals, and citadels.

Remember that the state of our health care centers is not in a good shape and condition as mothers can’t even get beds to lay their heads not excluding Ghana’s almighty Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

Perhaps, it’s at the back of the genuine concern raised by Ghanaians that has touched the heart of Rev Obofour who is the leader and founder of Anointed Palace Chapel.

As information boiling on the front desk of GHBase.Com has it that Rev. Obofour is building an ultra-modern hospital in Ghana as against Pentecost church who used their tax-free tithe to build a prison camp at Ejura.

Little is known in reference to the hospital location, however, tips suggest the sod-cutting has been done already. Regardless, our ears are on the ground to fetch more information on this greatest project by Rev Obofpur – The Nation’s Preacher.

Video Below:

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