Afia Schwar teams up with Stacy Amoateng perhaps to plot ‘more evil’ about Adu Safowaa and Akua GMB » ™


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Footage of Afia Schwar and media personality, Stacy Amoateng, has sparked reactions from fans.

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It seems this is the first time fans have really seen Afia and Amoateng together at a time that they are reported to have ganged up against Akua GMB as well as Adu Safowaa.

Don’t forget, Afia Schwarzenegger in an Instagram video revealed that Adu Safowaa is currently hitting her because she begged her for money and she refused to help.

But whatever be the case, the meeting between Afia Schwar and Stacey speak a lot considering the communication situation.

That is to say, it happened at the time Adu Safowaa is on fire throwing all sorts of shots at Stacey and Afia Schwar.

Therefore, critical thinking netizens are of the view that they met to plot something sinister against Akua GMB and estranged Adu Safowaa.



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