Inflation rate drifts into single digit of 8.5% in April


The rate represents a decline of 1.8 percentageThe rate represents a decline of 1.8 percentage

The rate of inflation drifts into a single digit in April at 8.5 percent from 10.3 percent the previous month.

The rate represents a decline of 1.8 percentage points in the rate recorded in March.

Month-on-month inflation between March 2021 and April 2021 stood at 1.5 percent.

Government Statistician Professor Samuel Annim who announced the rate said Food inflation was 6.5 percent down from 10.8 percent in March while non-food inflation inched up to 10.2 percent from 10 percent the previous month.

“Food contributed 33.8 percent to overall inflation, the lowest since the rebate in 2018,” he said.

Inflation for locally produced items was 8.7 percent while imported items were 7.4 percent.

On a regional basis, inflation ranged between two percent in the Upper West Region and 12.1 per cent in Greater Accra Region.


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