Bernard Koku Avle Of Citi Fm/TV Narrates How National Security Picked 2 Of Their Reporters (+video) » ™


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Citi Fm’s morning show host Bernard Koku has narrated how everything went down regarding how two of their reporters were arrested.

Caleb Kuadah and one Zoe were picked up by National security yesterday at the Premises of Citi Fm and Citi TV.

This happened after Caleb was said to have recorded a video at a National Security zone which is prohibited.

Bernard Avle narrated, that he was eating with Citi TV CEO, Samens when three pick up tracks full with National Security personnel stormed the premises, to arrest Zoe for receiving an unauthorized filming from Caleb.

Zoe run to where Bernard and Samend were eating to tell them what was happening which took sometime for things to calm down for them to know what was really the reason for the arrest.

Video below;




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